Metal Gear Solid 4 Review

Did you pick up MGS4 at midnight last night? I didn’t, but I really wanted to. I haven’t even beaten the third one yet actually. I own it, but I haven’t had the time to play it. Once I get to it, I’ll buy MGS4 though. Anyway, here’s a video review of the game.

Zero Punctuation: Elder Scrolls IV

So what do you get when an Australian critic reviews one of the most popular RPG’s ever? Not as bad as you would think, coming from Yahtzee. There are a few things he hates though, such as a wide open world that looks the same everywhere and beggars voices changing completely at random times. I hated those things too, but I really loved the game altogether.

Yahtzee Takes a Step Back: Painkiller

Yahtzee sure seems to love his first person shooters when they are bloody as hell and as murderous as possible. Learn more about why you might want to pick this game up and play it during the slow summer month.