I just got an email from the spam department over at the Happy Tree Friends headquarters, and it announced to me that Happy Tree Friends: False Alarm will be coming to Xbox Live and PC’s on June 25th. The trailer looks pretty funny. Check it out here. I love that cartoon.
Deus Ex Is Free On GameTap
If you still don’t have Deus Ex, you may just want to register on GameTap today. They are giving users of the service Deus Ex: Game of the Year Edition for free. Get your action-RPG gaming on!
Dracula: Origin Demo
It’s a slow Monday morning, you have nothing to do and you’re bored as ever…or you’re at work. What should you do? Well, I guess you can download the PC demo for Dracula: Origin. It’s an adventure game based around Van Helsing (you), and Dracula. I won’t give away any more than that. Download the demo and get some good ‘ol Monday morning game play in.
Gametap Will Focus Solely on Games
If you are a subscriber to GameTap, you’ve likely watched a few of the reviews and other videos they’ve put out. Well, those days are over. The editorial team has been cut completely from the company which puts out reviews, previews, news, and videos.
The company has decided that they will put their entire focus on distributing games. So what does this mean for GameTap? Who knows, but it’s never good when a company has to cut employees because it likely means enough money isn’t coming into the bank.
Requiem: Bloodymare Beta Available
In case you want to try out the ultra violent game, Requiem: Bloodymare, the beta is open for PC owners. All you have to do is register, then download the beta client and you’re good to go.
Visit the Requiem: Bloodymare open beta registration site right now.
Penny Arcade Hitting XBLA Next Week
The very popular internet comic is coming to an Xbox 360 near you. “On the Rain-Slick Precipice of Darkness” stars the ever-so-wondrous Gabe and Tycho in an RPG adventure through the 1920’s. You’ll be able to pick it up next Wednesday for 1600 Microsoft points and even the PC, Mac and Linux for $19.95. Learn more about it at playgreenhouse.com.
Blizzard Store To Stock Your Room
If you didn’t know already, Blizzard has a new online store. You can pick up a few things such as books, clothing, and collectibles as well as some PC games and tabletop games for the geekier people. Well, there are only two PC games right now; Starcraft and Warcraft.
But the good news is that there are definitely plans to expand the store to include much more. What’s even better is that if you register for the store now, you’ll get the chance to participate in an upcoming beta from one of the companies up-and-coming games. Thats your cue!
New Radio Station for GTAIV
The game hasn’t even come out yet and there’s already a user generated radio station for Grand Theft Auto IV. Even Merz has been collecting songs from unsigned indie rock bands on the internet for the past month and has even added his own DJ dialogue to keep the station interesting. The set lasts about an hour so this should be enough to keep you entertained while your simulating cop murder, so would say Jack Thompson.
You probably won’t be able to have custom soundtracks in the PS3 version, but you will be able to stream the music on the PC and in the XMB on the Xbox 360. Anyway, download the MP3 from Evan’s blog at This is Not a Label, then pick up GTAIV at midnight tonight at Best Buy. Put the two together and have a wonderful day off from work tomorrow.
Wanna Beta Test Quake Live?
id Software has announced that they are looking for people who are interested in beta testing Quake Live, which was previously thought to be named Quake Zero, which is actually a web browser version of Quake III Arena. Confused yet? Just sign up for the beta already.
Alone in the Dark Demo Coming Soon
According to a post on the Atari Europe forums, a demo of Alone in the Dark will be made available for the PC, Xbox 360, and the Playstation 3 in the coming months. No dates have yet been announced but it seems that the Xbox 360 version will be made available in Europe around the launch date of June 20th.