I used to update this website multiple, sometimes dozens of times per day. I covered every bit of game news I could. And I loved it. But then I got a job that made it nearly impossible to continue without complete burnout. Eventually, it helped me land a side gig of doing game reviews for a well-known tech reviewer. So that’s where I spent any of my extra game journalism time. That lasted for maybe a year, and I could have kept going if I wanted, but I needed to focus on my career.
Fast forward to 12 years later and I want to come back. But I don’t want to publish news anymore. I just want to have fun.
So with all of that said, this is the first of what I hope will be more gameplay videos on this site. I realize that this first video isn’t up to par with the quality of most gameplay vids these days but it’ll get better. So I hope you stick around!