The v2.36 firmware update for the Playstation 3 was announced just yesterday as coming soon, and it turns out, that it was actually last night. This update is just a minor update that’s meant to improve system stability while playing select Playstation format titles. That’s about it. So boot up the PS3 and update.
In Game XMB Finally Confirmed
In a blog post today from the Playstation Blog, PSN Network Operations Director, Eric Lempel confirmed that the in-game XMB will be coming in firmware update v2.40. On top of that, it will also include “trophies” which will be the Playstation 3’s form of the Xbox 360’s “achievements.” These are some pretty cool features. The only bad thing is that the next firmware update is v2.36, so there are still a few updates to go before we see these new features. At least we know they’re coming though
New Playstation Store is Live
The old crappy, barely usable Playstation Store is gone, and in it’s place is shiny, new one. The v2.30 firmware update is now available and the update Playstation Store comes with it. I’m on the bus right now, so I haven’t seen it yet, but you can bet your ass I’m heading straight to the PS3 when I get home.
New PSP Firmware Coming
There’s a new firmware update, which according to the Playstation Blog will be “available shortly,” for the PSP. Version 3.95 brings two new features to the PSP which are custom button configuration for PSone game playback and the ability to quit remote play with your Playstation 3 and leave the PS3 running.
Your Wii Has Been Updated
There is a new Wii update available for you just sitting on the internets, waiting for you to download it. This update doesn’t do much it seems. The official Nintendo website explains it like this:
“This update does not affect any prominently-used features or menus; however it does provide some behind the scenes updates that will improve system performance.”
Ok, so go ahead and download it, but there’s really no need to rush. Nothing exciting here.