Mushroomy Kingdom in Smash Bros.

World 1-1

See that photo above? That’s the Mushroom Kingdom in ruin. That’s one of the levels you can expect from the upcoming Super Smash Bros. Brawl on the Wii. You can fight through World 1-1 from Super Mario Bros. but this time in much better graphics. Even cooler…every once in a while an alternate background will load which is the underground stage, World 1-2.

World 1-2

How cool is that?! I don’t know, maybe I’m just a sucker for nostalgia, but I think this is a really cool idea. The whole level will scroll too, so you get to see the whole thing. Too be completely honest, I was on the fence about picking this one up, because I like the Smash Bros. series, but I get tired of it quickly, but this might just be enough to send me to the store. Well, that and all of those cool characters I’ll get to choose from.