Old Grandma Hardcore Got Her Copy of GTAIV

Old Grandma Hardcore Got Her Copy of GTAIV

Of course Old Grandma Hardcore bought Grand Theft Auto IV. This is a game that I think fits her perfectly; violent, loud, and full of profanity. I can’t wait to here her review of the game. I hope she likes it, because I sure as hell do. The new braking system is still a bit tough though. There, my only gripe.

Old Grandma Hardcore Hates Mario Galaxy

Old Grandma Hardcore is Bored

Surprisingly, there are a few people in this world who hate Super Mario Galaxy, and Old Grandma Hardcore is one of them. She actually seems to hate it, not just dislike it.

“I hate this fucking game. I feel so stupid playing it, it’s a kid’s game for fuck’s sake and I can’t.. get.. the fucking… CANNON to line up- GODDAMMIT!”

That sucks. I thought the game was a lot of fun. I guess everyone couldn’t like it though.