To the Graveyard With Unsuccessful XBLA Titles

Rocky and Bullwinkle

Microsoft has announced that they would like to put more focus on successful titles within their Xbox Live Arcade service and will soon be removing underperforming titles from the service entirely.

Right now the service contains somewhere around 130 different games, and Marc Whitten, Xbox Live general manager, has stated that they would now like to focus more on quality instead of quantity. Below is what determines if a title will be removed from the service.

  • At least 6 months old
  • Metacritic score below 65
  • Conversion rate below 6%

If an XBLA title meets the above criteria, a three-month delisting notice will be given. So that means if there’s a title on the service that you don’t think is doing well, and you’ve been on the fence about purchasing it, look for a notice. If you see that notice, you got three months, homie!