After a short break, Yahtzee is back and this time he’s reviewing a first-person shooter called Haze. I remember something about cake, cardboard forests, and Afroman. Check it out below
The Escapist Reviews Some RPG
This week Yahtzee dives into the game The World Ends With You. Does he like it, or loathe it? Watch the video and find out.
The Escapist: Grand Theft Normal Boring Life
The Yahtzee video we all knew was coming, the review of Grand Theft Auto IV. This one is very thorough too. Check it out.
Yahtzee Reviews God of War: Chains of Olympus
Why do you always end up at the Temple of Such and Such in the God of War games? Find out in the latest bash from Yahtzee.
The Escapist: Condemned 2
This time Yahtzee reviews Condemned 2. He liked the first one of the series, aside from a few things, but Condemned 2 was on it’s way to being one of the best games ever…until the halfway point. Learn more about what’s wrong with this game and why you should never reveal the mystery behind the story.
Gay Men, Gimp Masks, and the Military is Shit: The Escapist
This time Yahtzee talks about how buggy Army of Two is and the odd companionship the two characters of the game possess.
Yahtzee Mauls Turok
Yet another great review, sort of review anyway, from Yahtzee. This time he tackles Turok. He actually uses Turok as an example of how NOT to make a first person shooter and has lots of good points. Check it out.
Yahtzee Reviews Burnout Paradise
Yahtzee is at it again. This time he reviews Burnout Paradise. For a good laugh from an awesome reviewer, check out the video below.
Yahtzee Reviews Devil May Cry 4
Another great video from Yahtzee of The Escapist: Zero Punctuation. Sounds like he doesn’t care for it much.