This shit is bananas! Too much diarrhea, perforated mustaches, broken hips, and homoeroticism. Watch the video and learn more about Metal Gear Solid 4.
Zero Punctuation: Elder Scrolls IV
So what do you get when an Australian critic reviews one of the most popular RPG’s ever? Not as bad as you would think, coming from Yahtzee. There are a few things he hates though, such as a wide open world that looks the same everywhere and beggars voices changing completely at random times. I hated those things too, but I really loved the game altogether.
Yahtzee Takes a Step Back: Painkiller
Yahtzee sure seems to love his first person shooters when they are bloody as hell and as murderous as possible. Learn more about why you might want to pick this game up and play it during the slow summer month.
Yahtzee Reviews God of War: Chains of Olympus
Why do you always end up at the Temple of Such and Such in the God of War games? Find out in the latest bash from Yahtzee.
Yahtzee Mauls Turok
Yet another great review, sort of review anyway, from Yahtzee. This time he tackles Turok. He actually uses Turok as an example of how NOT to make a first person shooter and has lots of good points. Check it out.
Yahtzee Reviews Burnout Paradise
Yahtzee is at it again. This time he reviews Burnout Paradise. For a good laugh from an awesome reviewer, check out the video below.
Yahtzee Reviews Devil May Cry 4
Another great video from Yahtzee of The Escapist: Zero Punctuation. Sounds like he doesn’t care for it much.
Yahtzee Talks Uncharted: Drake’s Fortune
The speed talker Aussie, Yahtzee is back and this time he’s calling out Uncharted: Drakes Fortune.
Yahtzee at the GDC
Yahtzee goes to the Game Developers Conference and presents Yahtzee’s Game Developer’s Choice Awards Videos from GDC 2008.
Zero Punctuation Review: Sim City
This time around, Yahtzee reviews the game everybody knows, but probably dislikes, Sim City.