Wiikly Update: Nothing Interesting

Ok, sorry about the “nothing interesting” title, but I wouldn’t purchase any of the games released today. Well, maybe one; Bio Miracle Bokutte Upa sounds like the funnest release of the three. It’s a platformer that was never released before here in the States, which puts you in the place of a baby who can inflate his enemies with his rattle. You can get this one for 600 points.

Then you have Dig Dug, which doesn’t really need an explanation as everyone has seen this game in some form. You can download that one for 600 points as well.

Lastly, is the one lonesome WiiWare title; My Pokemon Ranch. This one will let you watch your Pokemon and Miis interact with each other while on ranch. You can take pictures and send them to your friends on the Wii Message board too. You can get that 1,000 points.

The Next Call of Duty is Revealed

It seems that the latest game in the Call of Duty franchise has been revealed from the upcoming Official Xbox Magazine, and will be titled Call of Duty: World at War. The game will be developed by Treyarch and will take place during World War II.

Treyarch probably knows that there are already so many World War II games out there, so they’re trying to bring something new to the genre. They will be focusing on “darker themes” and will be trying to give the game a more survival horror tone. Nothing has been announced yet from Activision, but there should be more info soon.

Playstation Store Update: Qore Version

Qore PS Store

According to the Playstation Blog there’s a hefty update coming, but it’s not here yet, at the time I’m writing this anyway. The big thing is probably the Qore Digital Magazine, which is Sony’s way of charging users for “exclusive” content such as demos, betas and more. There will also be a couple of downloadable games, which are Wolf of the Battlefield: Commando 3 and Novastrike for $9.99 each.

There there is the add-on game content for Guitar Hero III consisting of the Motorhead track pack and the free God of War song. On top of that you have the Disturbed and Jimmy Buffett tracks for Rock Band along with a bunch of discounted songs.

There will be three demos this week; Civilization Revolution, Battlefield: Bad Company and Nascar 09. There are also a ton of game videos, a PS3 Theme, and some game music.

GH3 – Dragonforce on Expert: 100% Complete

People are saying that this video is real, and it certainly looks real, but I just can’t believe it. Anyway, this guy actually got 100% on Through the Fire and Flames by Dragonforce while on Expert. Holy crap, how does someone do this?

Batman Revealed from Mortal Kombat vs. DC

Batman Render
The latest character to be revealed from the upcoming fighter, Mortal Kombat vs DC, is Batman. So what do you think of the Dark Knight? In my opinion…meh. It’s ok. This is actually a render, but you get the idea of what he’ll look like in the actual game.

Tecmo responds to Resignation of Itagaki

As everyone knows, or should know by now, Tomonobu Itagaki resigned from his position at Tecmo. So what happens to the Dead or Alive and Ninja Gaiden franchises he created? They keep on going I guess, just without him. Here’s the response from Tecmo:

“On June 3, 2008, Tomonobu Itagaki, Executive Producer of Tecmo, LTD.(Tokyo, Japan) owned development studio Team Ninja, submitted his resignation. Due to the fact that he had recently filed a legal complaint against Tecmo, LTD., there was no choice but to accept his resignation. His resignation is effective July 1, 2008.

“The legal complaint is in regards to a claim to an incentive bonus linked to a past project. The parties could not reach an amicable resolution to this matter and Itagaki chose to seek a legal remedy. Tecmo, LTD. will let the court decide the outcome of this case and will seek a true, fair, and quick resolution.

“Most importantly, Tecmo, LTD. would like to assure its loyal fans that Team NINJA, known for its top selling and critically acclaimed Ninja Gaiden and Dead or Alive franchises, is intact and, as a matter of fact, have several new projects already underway. Team NINJA is, more than ever, committed to producing compelling and cutting edge games in order to maintain its reputation as a high quality developer and to continue to receive the support of its loyal fans.”

Zero Punctuation: Elder Scrolls IV

So what do you get when an Australian critic reviews one of the most popular RPG’s ever? Not as bad as you would think, coming from Yahtzee. There are a few things he hates though, such as a wide open world that looks the same everywhere and beggars voices changing completely at random times. I hated those things too, but I really loved the game altogether.

Uncharted Going Cheap on Amazon

Uncharted Cover

If you take a look at the Amazon Goldbox deals for today, you’ll see that the Deal of the Day is $20 off of Uncharted: Drakes Fortune for PS3, which puts the price at $40. Pick it up while it lasts. It’s a great game, too, which I’m sure you probably already knew, but I thought you might have wanted me to validate that for you. So there you go.