Manhunt Case to Be Heard Next Month

Manhunt 2 Screenshot

You know how the BBFC rejected the game, Mahunt 2 in Europe? Well, they have been given permission to review the decision by the Video Appeals Committee about overturning that rejection. The case is scheduled to be heard in January and the BBFC has been granted a stay on the classification of the game. Will this ever end?

New Format For The News Section on Getmo Games

Computer Nerd

I’ve updated the site to a content management system, so I’ll be able to update the site more frequently, which means you can spend even more time here. I hope you all enjoy it! You all now have the ability to comment on the stories I post to the site as well, so have at it!!!

New PS2, PSP models revealed

Lighter version of classic console, red PSPs head to Japan and Europe; SCEA reps mum on North American plans. Today in Japan, Sony Computer Entertainment confirmed rumors by officially unveiling a new version the PlayStation 2. The latest iteration of the …

New PS2, PSP models revealed

Today in Japan, Sony Computer Entertainment confirmed rumors by officially unveiling a new version the PlayStation 2. The latest iteration of the hardware–which has sold over 120 million units internationally in its seven-plus years on the market–will be …

Nintendo Wii

The Wii is the most compact of the next-generation consoles. It weighs just 2.7 pounds and measures 8.5 inches long by 6 inches wide by less than 2 inches thick. It has clean, sharp lines and an Apple-like glossy white finish, though we’ll …

The Sims 2: Pets Cheats – PC / PS2

The Sims 2 is one of those games that just won’t go away, no matter how hard you try not to, you always end up … codes to change the fur color. Incidently, these collar and fur codes also work on the PS2 version. For cheat codes for all …

Play your Nintendo DS on your TV

First the PSP got handheld to TV adapters and now a nearly a year later the DS is getting them too. There are currently two different DS to TV adapters in the works. The first requires players to open up their DS and hardwire the adaptor into the console.

Nintendo DS Browser Hands-on

The Nintendo DS and PlayStation Portable have been in a heated battle even before their debuts in late 2004, and one of the biggest guns of the PSP front is its enormous versatility – it seems like every other day Sony gives its system a new …

Nintendo DS Lite

The new, improved Nintendo DS Lite is worth the cost of the upgrade for fans of the original DS portable gaming device. It retains all the qualities that made the DS so much fun, and the bright new screens make a significant difference in the …