Play Some Baseball: New Demo on XBL

If you’ve been hankerin’ for some good ol’ baseball on your Xbox 360, there’s now a demo for Major League Baseball 2K8 available for download. Get your fix while your waiting for real baseball to start.

Lost Planet Issues Fixed

The Lost Planet demo that was released on the Playstation Store last week was recently removed due to some technical issues. You probably know, if you tried to play the game at all. Well the issues have been fixed and an updated version is now available for download.

Spiderwick Demo on XBL


Unlock the secrets of Arthur Spiderwick’s Field Guide to the Fantastical World Around You. The Spiderwick demo is based on the film from Nickelodeon Movies and is available to those of you in Canada and the US.

Patapon Demo Tomorrow


Sony has just announced a great surprise for Valentines Day; a Patapon Demo! So check out the Playstation Store on the PC or PS3 tomorrow and download yourself some PSP goodness.

Devil May Cry 4 Demo DL’d 1,000,000+ Times

Capcom just sent out an email this morning stating that their latest demo for Devil May Cry 4 has been downloaded more than one million times over Xbox Live, which averages out to about 25,000 downloads a day.  This makes it one of the fastest downloads to reach a million in the history of Xbox Live. No word yet on how many downloads on the Playstation Network though.

Get a Patapon Demo and Secret Weapon

Patapon Screen

If you pre-order Patapon for the PSP at your local Gamesopt, you’ll get your hands on special prize. A DEMO!!! The cool thing about this is that if you play through the demo and save your progress, you’ll be able to continue where you left off on the full version of the game.

Yeah, that’s pretty cool, but it gets even better. In the demo, you get the Spear of Protection and this will transfer over to the full version as well. This is the only way you’ll be able to get this weapon. The demos don’t seem to be in stores yet though, but should be within one to two weeks.

Metal Gear Solid 4 Demo Next Month? NO!

Assistant producer at Kojima Productions, Ryan Payton, has announced that there will NOT be a demo for Metal Gear Solid 4, despite what the internet is telling you. So that sucks. That would have been really cool.